
What's New in Web Experiences, Ignite 2020: Need to secure your remote workers? Choose Microsoft Edge as your browser for business.

Microsoft Edge

What’s New in Web Experiences, Ignite 2020: Need to secure your remote workers? Choose Microsoft Edge as your browser for business

微軟的 Ignite 2020 期間公佈了 Edge 瀏覽器未來的計畫,包括將會在十月提供 Edge 給 Linux 的開發預覽版,以及 Edge 的 kiosk 模式,讓企業可以透過 Edge 執行 kiosk web app,而不用像以往需要自己寫出向 Windows 註冊的 kiosk app。

Windows Explorer Through The Years.

Windows 1.04

Windows Explorer Through The Years

上面這篇文章收錄了 Explorer 從 Windows 1 到 Windows 10 這三十年來的變化與簡介,可以看到 Explorer 不斷進化的過程。